
What are Anjeer

Mother Nature’s greatest gifts to Mankind are naturally healthy Fruits bestowing never-ending benefits for a healthy body and mind. Fruits make an important part of a healthy diet and become the best and the tastiest way to be healthy. They provide the body with all the required nutrients and their high fiber content makes them our body’s best friends. They are natural medicines to fight against or reduce the chances of many diseases. One such delightfully wonderful little known fruit with lot of healthy compounds is none other than the fig or anjeer.


It is a gynodioecious (functionally dioecious),[4] deciduous tree or large shrub, growing to a height of 7–10 metres (23–33 ft), with smooth white bark. Its fragrant leaves are 12–25 centimetres (4.7–9.8 in) long and 10–18 centimetres (3.9–7.1 in) across, and deeply lobed with three or five lobes. The complex inflorescence consists of a hollow fleshy structure called the syconium, which is lined with numerous unisexual flowers.
he flower itself is not visible outwardly, as it blooms inside the infructescence. Although commonly referred to as a fruit, the fig is actually the infructescence or scion of the tree, known as a false fruit or multiple fruit, in which the flowers and seeds are borne. It is a hollow-ended stem containing many flowers. The small orifice (ostiole) visible on the middle of the fruit is a narrow passage, which allows the specialized fig wasp Blastophaga psenes to enter the fruit and pollinate the flower, whereafter the fruit grows seeds.
See Ficus: Fig pollination and fig fruit.
The edible fruit consists of the mature syconium containing numerous one-seeded fruits (druplets). The fruit is 3–5 centimetres (1.2–2.0 in) long, with a green skin, sometimes ripening towards purple or brown. Ficus carica has milky sap (laticifer). The sap of the fig's green parts is an irritant to human skin.


Figs or Anjeer are rich in Vitamin B Complex (B Vitamins) and help metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Rich in fibre regular consumption of figs enhances digestive health and treats common digestive disorders such as irregular bowel syndrome and constipation.
The high mucilage content in anjeer helps to heal and protect sore throats.
Figs are an excellent source of iron and copper required for production of healthy red cells and transporting oxygen to the tissues in the body. Lack of iron in the body makes a person weak exhausted prone to infection.
Containing loads of vitamins, fibre and essential minerals, figs help boost immune function, protecting against risk of diseases and infection.
Being a rich source of calcium, figs promote strong and healthy bones improving bone density. Due to the presence of potassium, there is considerable reduction in bone thinning due to loss of calcium in urine.
Since calcium content in fig plays an important part in strengthening the bones besides maintaining normal bone density, they prevent the development of bone related disorders like osteoporosis in old age.
Figs contain potassium, a mineral that is vital for regulating Blood Pressure as Potassium helps maintain fluid balance in the body reducing the effects of sodium.
Besides regulating Blood Pressure levels potassium content in figs are useful in controlling blood sugar levels too. Fig works in preventing the oxidation of fatty acids. Thereby it helps suppress the generation of reactive oxygen species, and helps prevent atherosclerosis.
Figs contain a soluble fibre known as Pectin that goes through the digestive system, absorbs cholesterol and eliminate them out of body.
Figs contain phenol, Omega-3 and Omega-6 that are fatty acids highly effective in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. The presence of fibre helps eliminate cancer-causing carcinogen substances thus preventing the risk of cancer.
Figs contain Folate, which combat with heavy menstruation and proves highly beneficial for pregnant and lactating women. The presence of vitamin A, in figs is beneficial for good skin Figs contains high phenol antioxidants, which prevent the damages of the cells caused by free radicals Figs are good for eyesight. They are excellent sources of vitamin A, which prevents deterioration of eyesight such as age related macular degeneration Figs traditionally used to reduce sexual weakness and improve sex drive.

Geographical Locations

Madhya Pradesh


The fig is a subtropical fruit the optimum temperature for its good growth being 15.5 to 21oC. Buds of most cultivars requires some winter chilling. In mild tropical and subtropical areas, figs exhibit continuous growth without a distinct rest period. However, the tree usually has a semi- deciduous habit and enters into mild dormancy during October-January.
Fruit qualities are also got influenced by climate. A dry climate with temperature especially at the time of fruit development and maturation produces the best quality figs. High temperature like 35 to 38oC will result in premature ripening of fruits. Similarly very low temperature will result in splitting and poor quality fruits.