Jambu blue & white

What are Jambu blue & white

The fruit is identified by its oval shape and it has a yellow flesh with its skin looks in blue or indigo. Some fruits have purple or red skin. The fruit has a sour or sweet taste Syzygium cumini, jambul, jambolan, jamblang, or jamun, is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae.
A fairly fast growing species, it can grow as high as 30 metres, and can live more than 100 years. Its dense foliage provides shade and is grown just for its ornamental value. The wood is strong and water resistant.
Because of this it is used in railway sleepers and to install motors in wells. It is sometimes used to make cheap furniture and village dwellings though it is relatively hard to work on.


This fruit looks in blue-black skin, juicy and has yellow flesh. It's valued for its culinary use and requires minimum pruning and it grows in a fertile soil. It looks like a small plum The tree grows equally well in both the tropical and the sub tropical regions. Though organised cultivation is not done much, a lot of trees are grown individually by people having land in their backyards. In the wild however, it grows all over India.
It is a large and hardy evergreen tree and lives for over a hundred years. It starts flowering in the month of March and continues till May. Thereafter, with the onset of monsoon in June it starts bearing fruit. The flowers are white and have a sweet fragrance.
The fruits do not ripen at the same time and are picked daily. Jambul fruits resemble grapes and are oblong or ovoid in shape. Only ripe fruits are picked as they do not ripen once they are picked. They have a single seed and a soft dark purple colored almost black skin and a lighter purple flesh. When eaten, the fruits coat the mouth and the tongue a deep purple color that stays for a few hours.. The fruit is sweet and tart and leaves a slight astringent action in the mouth.
The Jamun tree is revered by the Buddhists.


It helps to improve digestion and acts as an initiator of liver and spleen process.
arrow Helps in healing urinary diseases and diabetes.
arrow Enhance blood purification and cures anemia.
arrow Prevents diarrhea & dysentery.
arrow Relives constipation, helps improve digestive power.
arrow Breaks renal stones.
The fruit possess rich content of Glucose, Fructose, Vitamins C & A, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and iron.
Tannin, gallic acid, resin, phytosterols are highly present in its stem & bark.
The seed contains the glycoside, jamboline, gallic acid and essential oils.
The flower has traces of terpenoids.

Geographical Locations

Tamil Nadu
Madhya pradesh


Mid March - April